Sonntag, 9. Januar 2011

Back from Venezia...

Last week I spent two days in this magical town.
Photos are coming up at some point...
For the beginning two pictures of the souvenirs I brought...

Very pretty (but not exactly home-made Venetian...)
snowdome with a little Piazza San Marco in it.
Cute keepsake because it actually snowed for a while on thursday!

Really pretty too. And a 100 % Venetian.
Sea shells from the Lido beach.

Dienstag, 4. Januar 2011

Partielle Sonnenfinsternis über Österreich

Partial sun closure over Austria

Als es schließlich soweit war, hat meine Kamera ausgesetzt...
Aber es hat so ziemlich wie auf dem Foto ausgesehen.
When the moon was finally in front of the sun, my camera didn't catch it anymore...
But it looked rather like the picture to my eyes, too.